Tryfilli, Teresi, Chand, Krowka and Fuentes impressed in Budva
The 17 and 18-year-old talents proved their strong potentials at the Adriatic Pearl Youth Boxing World Cup in Budva, Montenegro.
Altogether 93 female and 152 male competed in this important international youth event this week. Boxers who were born in 2006 and in 2007, are eligible to participate in the Adriatic Pearl.
Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cuba, France, Georgia, Greece, India, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Mexico, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Turkey were the 22 participating countries in the event.
Greece’s Anna-Maria Tryfilli won several big competitions and her excellent strategy paid off in the final of the women’s minimumweight (48kg). She defeated Russia’s Daria Zrianina for the title by unanimous decision and she continued her winning path in Budva.
France’s Maloe Teresi is another top talent in our sport and she competed in high number of international competitions successfully since 2022. The French won two orounds against Russia’s Daria Sikstus and she bagged the title of the women’s bantamweight (54kg) in Montenegro.
India has a powerful female youth team and their boxers achieved top results in the Adriatic Pearl Youth Tournament. Chanchal Choudhary (50kg), Nikita Chand (66kg), Parthavi Grewal (66kg), and Akansha Phalaswal (70kg) all succeeded in the finals.
The Polish girls earned three Olympic quotas for Paris in Busto Arsizio while their youth talents also acquired gold medals in Budva: Kinga Krowka (63kg), Julia Oles (81kg) and Sandra Van der Zanden (+81kg).
India’s new youth talent, Brijesh Tamta (48kg) and Azerbaijan’s Zidan Hunbatov (51kg) won the first male finals in Budva after beating their experienced opponents such as Bilalhabasi Nazarov and Arseniy Zhiltsov.
The Cubans and the Mexicans sent strong youth boxers to Budva and among them the first achieved three gold medals. Yojander Fuentes (57kg), Yurisniel Ardiles (75kg) and Javier Rawlins (86kg) were their gold medallists.