Sixty-three nations earned at least one quota in boxing for the Paris Olympics
The last opportunity to qualify for the Paris Olympics, the 2nd World Olympic Boxing Qualifying Event concluded in Bangkok, Thailand in the previous nearly two weeks.
Altogether 578 boxers competed from 132 nations in Bangkok which made the event as one of the biggest ever boxing competitions of all-times.
None of the nations will be able to send maximum number of 13 boxers to the Olympic Games but five of them have at least 10 athletes such as Australia, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Ireland and Kazakhstan in our sport in Paris.
Finally 240 boxers from 63 countries qualified at least one boxer from the Olympic Games before the nine universality places, the wild cards for the developing nations would be known.
Europe has 89 qualified boxers ahead of Asia’s 71, while America has 45, Africa 20 and Oceania 13 spots for the Paris Olympics, additionally the Boxing Refugee Team has two quotas.
The ranking of the nations after all of the qualification events based on their number of quotas for the Paris Olympics:
1. Australia: 12 qualified boxers
2. Uzbekistan: 11
3. Brazil, Ireland, Kazakhstan: 10
6. China, France, Italy, Thailand, Turkey, United States of America: 8
12. Great Britain, India, Spain, Chinese Taipei: 6
16. Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Cuba, Philippines, Poland: 5
23. Mexico: 4
24. Belgium, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Hungary, Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, Serbia, Tajikistan, Ukraine: 3
35. Canada, DR Congo, Georgia, Germany, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, Puerto Rico, Refugee Olympic Team, South Korea, Sweden, Venezuela, Vietnam: 2
49. Armenia, Cape Verde, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique, Netherlands, Panama, Romania, Samoa, Slovakia, Tunisia and Zambia: each 1 qualified boxer