Two and half months until the start but 346 boxers have already registered to the unique King of the Ring Tournament
The new edition of the King of the Ring Tournament will be held in Boras, Sweden on November 1-3 and the registrations are still open until the end of October but 346 boxers are already entered to the competition.
There is still two and half months until the start of the King of the Ring Tournament but the several of the teams, clubs and National Federations have decided already to join the next edition of this outstanding Swedish event.
Among the next generation of boxers, Sweden’s Hadi Hadrous, Scotland’s Mitchell Barton, England’s Harrison Lambert and many other young talents have registered to the King of the Ring Tournament.
The King of the Ring Tournament will be held for the men’s elite, youth, junior and schoolboys age groups in the traditional venue of the city of Boras.
The event is the biggest club competition in the whole world but national teams have been competing in Boras as well.
The total number of boxers was 586 in the 2023 edition, 571 male boxers and 15 girls who competed in a specific Round Robin format.
Their last male competition was running in five rings in Boras due to the record number of boxers making the event as one of the busiest competitions in 2023. There were 124 bouts only in the final day in the competition.
Afghanistan’s Hasibullah Malikzadah, his teammate, Sulaiman Aslami, Sweden’s technician Hadi Hadrous (57kg), England’s Joshua Soloye (63.5kg), Norway’s Adrian Hagen (80kg) were the stars of the elite part of the competition.
The schedule of the 2024 King of the Ring Tournament
October 31 – Arrivals
November 1, 08:00-12:00 – Weigh-in and medical check
November 1, 13:45 – Official Draw
November 1, 17:00 – Day1 competition
November 2, 10:00 & 19:00 – Day2 competition
November 3, 10:00 – Day3 competition
November 4 – Departure of the delegations
The LOC of the 2024 King of the Ring Tournament
Mr. Ray Husac Managing Director
Phone: +46 735945411
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